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9 Tips To Increase Your Conversions With Facebook Ads

In just a few years, Facebook advertising has become very competitive. The algorithm has also undergone numerous developments, so much so that it can sometimes become complicated to maintain advertising performance. To help you better understand your Facebook Ads campaigns, our Social Ads experts have consulted to reveal 9 common sense tips intended to preserve or even increase your conversion rate. 

Conversion is to be taken in the broad sense of the term since it can just as quickly be about online sales lead generation as customer interactions. Still considered one of the most potent acquisition levers regarding conversions, Facebook Ads are waiting to be tamed! Up to you…

Clearly Define Your Conversion Goal

As with any advertising network, the path to acquisition begins with clearly defining your conversion objective. In other words, what do you want from your Facebook Ads advertising? Recently, Facebook simplified conversion goals to only 3 options: 

  1. Objective Prospects, which corresponds to generating leads via form, calls, or conversions.
  2. Objective Promotion of the application, which corresponds to the download of apps or associated events.
  3. Sales objective, which corresponds to conversions, catalog sales, and calls. For the record, a campaign equals a single conversion goal. Once the Facebook Ads campaign is launched, you can refine the objective by linking it to a specific conversion event using the Facebook pixel.

Select The Most Relevant Audience

Again, it’s common sense! Targeting your audience is essential and must be aligned with the prospect’s progress in the conversion funnel. So, the closer your goal is to sales, the warmer your audience should be.  Otherwise, targeting an unsuitable audience puts your Facebook Ads campaign at risk since it alters your performance KPIs, notably the conversion rate and the conversion cost. To counter these effects, it is better to concentrate your targeting efforts on:

  1. Interaction audiences: that is, users who have already been in contact with your brand through Facebook content, videos, displays, etc.
  2. Visitor audiences: here, these are users who have already visited your website and landing pages.

Similar audiences: these are profiles similar to your current prospects/customers whose interests you draw inspiration from to broaden your audience base.

Go Wild With Your Landing Pages

Sometimes created in a hurry, landing pages are nevertheless decisive since they are the ones that welcome the post-click visitor to lead them toward conversion. However, to convince you, this transition “corridor” must combine the advantages in your favor. For an optimal landing page for your Facebook Ads campaigns, think carefully about:

  1. Create an experience consistent with your brand universe regarding content, design, and offers. This must also offer relative continuity with the advertisement that has just been clicked. Studio Ads JVWEB can support you in this challenge!
  2. Optimize your landing page for mobile and adapt the content to a responsive format.
  3. Implement the Facebook Ads pixel to ensure your advertising tracking is formed correctly. You can also opt for CAPI, depending on your technical environment.

Offer Visuals That Generate Attention

Our attention span is decreasing day by day. It is always more complex to catch the eye of the Internet user in the middle of a crowd of visuals. However, it is the first step towards conversion!

Here again, some advice inspired by good practices from Studio Ads JVWEB:

  1. Stay light: if Facebook Ads has removed the 20% text rule, your advertising will still perform better with an airy visual. Limit yourself to essential information and place your text to remain readable. 
  2. Favor dynamic, moving formats that are more eye-catching, such as gifs or videos.
  3. Regularly renew your advertising creations: this will allow you to maintain your metrics at the highest level while avoiding fatigue and advertising pressure. It’s also an opportunity to test new hooks.

Offer A Clear And Readable Speech

Who says little text says effective speech? Get straight to the point, highlight your strengths, and find the right balance between attractiveness and curiosity. Some tips for offering a compelling advertising hook:

  1. Challenge your target: address them directly, confront them with the problem to which you are providing a solution, and engage them in reflection.
  2. Use simple language that is understandable to everyone, and avoid jargon unless you are targeting professionals with whom this also provides reassurance.
  3. Simplify your value proposition and multiply the angles according to the intended target.

Show The Way With A No-Call CTA

Any advertising campaign, on Facebook Ads or elsewhere, is accompanied by a CTA call to action. This button aims to lead the user to the next step in the journey. This must, therefore, be clear and straightforward. Our best tips for a CTA that converts:

  1. Be directive: use strong verbs encouraging action, such as discover, download, start now, etc.
  2. Be clear: clearly describe the action that must be carried out, for example, purchase, register, make an appointment, etc.
  3. Forget overly vague CTAs, such as Learn More…

Choose The Ad Format That Converts The Best

Now that your conversion objective is clear, your audience defined, and your wording sharpened, all that remains is to choose the Facebook Ads advertising format best suited to your campaign. If Facebook Ads multiplies the options, here are safe values:

  1. Collection format: perfect for personalized advertising of your products, particularly in catalogs. It allows you to show different possibilities.
  2. Carousel format: recommended in particular for services; this format allows you to tell a story using several visuals. It extends the attention span.
  3. The Leads ads format responds more to lead generation via the native integration of a customizable form.

Communicate At Each Stage Of The Conversion Funnel

If your Facebook Ads ads show low conversion rates, it may be because your campaign is too focused on the bottom of the funnel. Facebook then needs more data to distribute your advertising correctly. Remember that you need to generate at least 50 conversions in the first week for the advertising algorithm to refine its learning.

In such cases, it is strongly recommended to launch a campaign focused on a lower conversion stage in parallel. This will feed into the audience targeting mentioned above. This can be, for example, by offering the download of content before making a BtoB appointment or adding it to the basket as a conversion objective, replacing the finalized purchase.

Continuously Learn From Your Facebook Ads Campaigns

Advice that applies to all your advertising campaigns, regardless of the acquisition lever activated. This advice also justifies seeking support from a marketing agency specializing in social ads because it is time-consuming advice…but valuable! So, monitor your performance and adjust your campaigns continuously, except during the learning phase. To avoid falling into an overload of KPIs, focus, at a minimum, on the following 3:

  1. The conversion rate: you must reach a threshold to be defined between the number of people exposed to your campaign and those who have achieved the objective.
  2. Cost per conversion: you need to know how much each conversion from your Facebook Ads costs to reduce this cost.
  3. ROAS: this allows you to evaluate the profitability of your Facebook Ads campaigns based on the turnover generated.

Here again, all this must be refined according to the objective initially selected. A campaign dedicated to brand awareness will inevitably have different metrics from advertising focused on conversion. With this data in mind, create, test, innovate! Managing your Facebook Ads campaigns requires time, involvement, and relative expertise. Certified by the platform, Social Ads consultants are trained to answer your questions and boost your conversion rate.

Read Also: New Features For The Facebook And Instagram Video Spaces

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