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Create Your First BtoB Campaign On LinkedIn

A leading BtoB platform, LinkedIn has, in 2019, some 610 million global subscribers and publishes each month some 130,000 articles proposed by professionals of all stripes. Considered a quality lever for those seeking to reach a professional audience, LinkedIn multiplies formats to attract advertisers. And it works! Today, our step-by-step guide to launching your first BtoB advertising campaign via LinkedIn and selecting the advertising best suited to your objective.

What Is The Objective Of Your LinkedIn Advertising Campaign?

Freshly redesigned, the LinkedIn interface dedicated to advertisers has been designed around campaign objectives in line with Facebook Ads. So, this is the first question you need to ask yourself. Don’t panic; the LinkedIn tool guides you in your ambitions. So, you have the choice between:

  1. Increase visits to your website to generate more traffic
  2. Generate more engagement on a post or increase your number of subscribers.
  3. Increase video views, suitable for those who wish to promote their activity via video.
  4. Generate more prospects via the collection of leads facilitated by a pre-filled form, in line with the Leads Ads offered by Facebook Ads.

Ultimately, LinkedIn plans to unlock three complementary objectives: develop brand awareness, increase the number of conversions and promote job offers. However, the functions already active make it possible to launch effective campaigns.

Create A LinkedIn Text Ad, The Basics!

LinkedIn, therefore, offers different advertising formats. As is often the case, text advertising is the most essential advertising provided by a platform. So, this choice is ideal for those who want to generate traffic to a landing page. Step by step, you define the target audience, the budget, the type of remuneration, the campaign duration and the number of prospects generated via your advertising. 

To do this, remember to add the Insight Tag, which will feed your reports. To get started, go to the Company page, then “Sponsor your news”, or directly to the advertiser interface, the Campaign Manager, then “Create a new campaign”. You will then need to choose your advertising objective. Here, I favor the “Website visit” objective. Give your campaign a name. Now comes the time to define your Audience. To do this, specify the language and then a location. Then, choose between the two available audience types:

  1. Audience attributes allow you to enter specific criteria such as the name of the targeted company, its size, positions, experience, training or interests.
  2. Corresponding audiences, equivalent to Facebook look-a-like audiences, allow you to target visitors to the site or an email file.

Then, select the most suitable format. For text advertising, click on “Text Ads Advertising”. Finally, enter your daily budget, the launch and end dates of your campaign, and the type of auction. You can opt for a click or impression bid. The last step is the selection of your visuals to be treated with great care. Add the destination URL, a title and a short description. In just a few minutes, your campaign is ready to launch. LinkedIn submits all campaigns for moderation before distribution. As soon as it is validated, your ad will be broadcast.

Sponsor Your Content On LinkedIn

LinkedIn offers sponsorship of three types of content: a single image, a video or a carousel. This option is a good choice for those who want to work on their brand romance and strengthen their notoriety among an ultra-targeted audience. Once on the Campaign Manager, focus on an objective compatible with this format, i.e., website visit, engagement, video views or leads.

Next, select the appropriate format between video, single image ad or carousel. For a simple post, keep one image. Then, select the content to sponsor from the list. Otherwise, create a new one using the tool. Then, follow the steps related to the distribution of the LinkedIn campaign as indicated above.

Run A Dynamic Ad On LinkedIn

Quite clever, the LinkedIn dynamic advertising format allows you to personalize the message, in particular by adding the first name of your target. A technique that fatally influences performance! Again, nothing complicated. Start with the “Website Visit” objective, then select one of the following formats:

  1. Follower Ads to increase your number of subscribers
  2. Spotlight Ad to generate more traffic
  3. Job Ad to promote a recruitment offer

Then, follow the steps to configure the distribution of your dynamic LinkedIn campaign.

More Prospects Via Inmail LinkedIn

More frontal, this LinkedIn format responds more to the objective of generating leads than of notoriety. By making direct contact with decision-makers, the InMail format, named Advertising Message ad in the interface, requests more information. Thus, you will need to specify the sender of the message, a CTA, a message as well as a redirection URL to a destination page. LinkedIn offers excellent opportunities to develop your BtoB network. Consult JVWEB to discuss your strategy and accelerate your business development!

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