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HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGEmail Marketing: How Not To Waste Your Contacts

Email Marketing: How Not To Waste Your Contacts

Every company possesses a more or less affluent mass of data relating to potential customers. Regardless of the amount, each contact must be taken care of over time. Your next customer may not buy from you today, but they may retain a positive memory of your company and turn to you tomorrow. 

What’s the best way to be remembered? Several tools allow you to interact with your contact, but email marketing is the least invasive and most effective. It is a potent tool when designed wisely: email marketing generates, in fact, 174% more conversions than social media marketing.

How To Do Email Marketing: No Spam!

Whether it’s newsletters or Direct Email Marketing (DEM), it’s essential to have a strategy that points to a  single goal: not ending up in the trash without first being read! Each of us receives many emails daily, most trashed without being read. So what are the aspects to consider so as not to end up in junk mail?Let’s start by clarifying what email marketing is. Email marketing is a marketing tool that sends emails to communicate commercial messages, news or information about a company to a list of email addresses.

Mailing lists can be owned by the company or purchased from companies engaged in name-acquisition activities. We suggest drawing from the rich wealth of contacts you have available: whether a small number or a long list, they will surely be email addresses of people who have already heard of or have noticed your company at least once. This already provides you with the first guarantee of the recipient’s successful opening of the message.

Increase The Success Of Your Emails: Create A Segmented Mailing List.

Can you send everyone the same email? I suppose you might be wrong. This is the first reason why the open rate of messages remains low. Remember: your customer is not looking for your product but for a solution to their need for him. So to distinguish yourself from the competition (and from the hundreds of emails arriving in your contacts’ inboxes), you need to segment your audience. It is important to profile your contacts, categorizing data based on parameters such as:

  1. type and sector
  2. year and origin of the contact
  3. geographical location
  4. communication language.

This information is essential to understand, for example, in which language you must send the message and if the content is in line with the business sector. Another important aspect is identifying the recipient of your message: do you want it to be sent to the company email address (e.g. or a particular interlocutor, such as a sales agent or the owner of the company? To do this, it is necessary to catalogue the email addresses according to their owner automatically. Categorizing customers based on their relationship with your company is also good.

 For example, you could ask yourself if they are new contacts who have never made a purchase, if they are customers who have bought at least once or if they are loyal customers who buy regularly. The process we have just described to you is defined as contact profiling and should be the basis for all companies wanting to increase their turnover (therefore, most of them, right?). Yet, too many still need to profile their customers and lose precious data because they lack the right strategy or tools.

In response to these needs, NetManager was born: the application for customer management at 360°. In NetManager, you can profile all the contacts you want, filtering the related information and also making it available to your collaborators, guaranteeing access based on the role held. Sending newsletters and DEMs will be much easier for you and will start to become an integral part of your marketing strategy. 

Read Also: Websites & Digital Marketing Agency

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