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Five Tips Not To Be Missed: How To Unravel The Truth From The False On Facebook?

Facebook, the most used social network worldwide, never ceases to amaze us. With the addition of many new features lately, the network knows how to win back the hearts of its users. Only, Facebook has been involved in several scandals lately, especially on Fake News. To see more clearly, we reveal our best advice to help you find the right balance between the news and the intox of your news feed.

Our Experts Give You Their Best Advice

Have you ever wondered if the information you encounter on Facebook is news or hype? On the Power Trafic side, this has already happened to us. Today, thanks to the wise advice of our experts, we know how to avoid dubious publications. It’s our turn to guide you through the world of Facebook posts; keep your eyes peeled, and stay alert.

Check Article Title

First, you need to pay attention to the title of the article. In some cases, we detect “fake news” in the titles, which are often catchy and appeal to our curiosity. If the main information of the title seems implausible to you, chances are that it is.

Identify The Source Of The Article

Distinguishing the source is fundamental; because of this recognizable proof, you can unquestionably identify the valid from the bogus and know whether you are managing “counterfeit news.” Likewise, you ought to painstakingly think about the URL of the article. If the URL slightly differs from what you know, the site is a source of fraudulent information. You must then remain attentive and not “fall into the trap.” Next, you need to research the source in question. Indeed, great sources of information are parodied by parody newspapers.

Take the example of the Figaro, this French daily newspaper founded in 1826. The latter informs millions of French people every day about current events. However, he has owned a parody newspaper for several years, using the anagram of “Le Figaro,” which has become “Le Gorafi.” This newspaper spreads “fake news” but does not claim to convey real and serious information. Known for his parodic vocation, a reader who sees the source “Le Gorafi” manages to distinguish that the information he reads is not serious.

View Article Content

As for the article’s content, pay attention to the latter’s form. However, if you see hundreds of exclamation points in the titles and paragraphs, this probably needs to be more accurate. Also, misspellings are important; if words are incomplete or you find misspellings in every line, save your time.

Check Dates

A little advice, but not least, if the content of the article present on Facebook seems very real to you, that the “fake news” manages to convince you, remember to check the dates all the same. Suppose the article is published on January 2 as a news item of the day. In that case, it is likely that the information relayed comes from another newspaper or that it is old information that people are trying to put back to the taste of the day.

Keep A Watch

Finally, it would help if you imperatively carried out a watch. Do not hesitate to type the information in your browser’s search bar. Following this, you will see if many newspapers have relayed the information citing the same source. If you only find one or two articles relating to the information you are looking for, you are faced with two possible scenarios. At first, it is possible that the news has just come out and is not yet relayed; this is often the case with digital news, for example. Otherwise, the information is nothing but “fake news,” in this case, you should not give importance to it.

What Should You Take Away From All Of This?

Overall, Facebook is a mine of information for sharing and exchange between Internet users. But beware, users often relay information that is only sometimes the safest. In this case, do not hesitate to apply our advice which will be of great use to you. You will no longer waste your time trying to discover whether the information you are confronted with is real. Our digital strategy agency strives to provide you with the best information about digital.

Also Read: 9 Tips To Increase Your Conversions With Facebook Ads

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