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Construction Site Monitoring Software

Do you want development observing programming? Then, at that point, we have the arrangement you wish for novaTime. For building and public works organizations, this instrument has a double reason. The first is to permit extraordinary site arranging, which is excellent for after-deals administration, upkeep or investigation.

The fantastic development of building locales addresses the second convenience of the instrument, which adjusts to short intercessions and broadened projects. Does this building site check programming address your issues? Get in touch with us for a showing! Does this construction site monitoring software meet your needs? Contact us for a demonstration!

Site Monitoring Solution: Various Benefits In Perspective

As mentioned, construction site monitoring software helps, on the one hand, in the planning of construction sites. And at the same time, such a solution offers better tracking. Thus, a company can expect various benefits from such a mobile and collaborative application.

Save Time For Your Teams

Indeed, your company receives new requests every day. Therefore, the people in charge of planning, the business managers, the manager of the stakeholders who manage the operations, the executives and the management can use our solution to obtain a global follow-up, statistics, and even management tools. ‘to help with the decision.

In this context, construction site monitoring software saves considerable time, especially when planning. Thanks to a quick overview of current construction sites and their duration, new ones can be quickly designed.

Better Organization

Lack of information or poor vision can also lead to a shaky organization. It can also lead to the announcement of untenable deadlines. And if deadlines are met, the company’s reputation can be protected. In some cases, this even leads to the payment of late payment compensation. By allowing a better organization, software allowing the management of the tasks thus contributes indirectly to the maintenance of the excellent image of the company.

Reduced Stress For Site Managers

As mentioned, team leaders may need some help in planning construction sites. And this can generate considerable stress for some. By making it easier for them to organize future work using construction site monitoring software, you are contributing to their well-being. And be sure they will be grateful.

Greater Productivity

Construction site monitoring software then makes it possible to increase productivity. On the one hand, team leaders can plan upcoming work more quickly. Similarly, they need less time to monitor the various ongoing projects. At the same time, the field teams will have a perfectly optimized schedule. And they will be able to save time daily by quickly visualizing the priorities, the following tasks to be carried out, and the short deadlines.

Easy Communication

Construction site monitoring software also makes communication more fluid. Thanks to such a tool, all stakeholders have access to the same level of information. On the one hand, team leaders can assign new sites to field teams, who can immediately have the information. At the same time, team leaders are informed in real-time of progress on ongoing projects. When a job is done, workers can indicate it in the app. And the information will be immediately accessible to the management team.

Help To Measure The Return On Investment

Finally, construction site monitoring software helps calculate the return on investment. Indeed, this tool lets you quickly know the time spent on each site. Thus, it is possible to deduce in a straightforward way the production rate and the return on investment. You have understood it: construction site monitoring software provides many benefits to companies. That is why many of them rely on such tools. Want to do the same? Contact our team of cloud experts for a free demo!

Construction Site Monitoring Software: Discover NovaTime

We can offer you nova time if you are looking for construction site monitoring software. Perfectly adapted to the construction and public works trades, this tool, designed by NOVADYS, your specialist cloud software publisher, embeds various features to facilitate the daily life of site managers and field teams.

Key Features

As indicated above, the construction site monitoring software novaTime integrates several features. The most important are the following: an automation engine, six modes of representation, a planning engine, a mobile application, a mobile site manager application, a smartphone signature, geolocation and possible integration with internal software. To meet the two uses involved, two versions coexist novaTime – Speaker and novaTime – Manager.

Focus On The Speaker Version

To meet the needs of the field, we have therefore designed a “Stakeholder” version, integrating various functionalities. Using the application, operational employees can first have an overview of the sites to which they are assigned. In this case, they have access to all the essential information to carry out the work. 

This includes, among other things, the site address, the customer’s contact details and all vital data. For their part, the field teams can add comments about each site. It is also possible to add photos if necessary. Finally, workers can have customers sign through the app. This then closes the construction site. And the construction site monitoring software notifies the sedentary teams.

Focus On The Manager Version

The BTP – Manager site monitoring software, therefore, varies in terms of functionality. Namely, the application gives a complete vision of the construction sites in progress and their progress. To clarify, the deadlines for each project are indicated. And team leaders can go into detail for each location. You can add team times daily and connect everything to internal human resources software. Consult us.

The Automation Engine

This feature allows specific time-consuming and repetitive tasks to be automated according to predefined rules. For example, at the end of a project, the application can automatically trigger sending a summary PDF to the customer and to accounting. On the one hand, it will demonstrate outstanding professionalism to the client, avoiding delays or oversights. And on the other side, this will allow accounting to send the invoice as quickly as possible. According to the same logic, other rules can be implemented to automate specific tasks.

The Planning Engine

With its planner engine, the construction site monitoring software provides real help to team leaders. Depending on the field teams’ availability, skills and location, the assistant can suggest the best time to carry out the work.

Six Modes Of Representation

At the same time, our construction site monitoring software aims to provide complete visibility at various levels: team planning, current sites, upcoming deadlines, agenda, etc. For this purpose, the novaTime tool provides six representation modes. To clarify, the viewing parameters vary according to the user profile, and the research carried out or even the needs.

Signature On Site

Currently, paper documents have disappeared in favor of electronic records. The construction site monitoring software is also part of this trend by integrating the “signature on-site” functionality. To clarify, the Speaker application allows the signature on mobile. This is then time stamped and geolocated.  It thus enables the closure of the construction site. And as a reminder, this action can automatically send the summary PDF to the customer and the accounting department. The site fence can generally initiate an automated task according to established rules.


The construction site monitoring software integrates geolocation in its functionalities. This ensures reliable monitoring of all the actions on a construction site. Namely, when a worker or technician takes a photo in the field, it is time stamped and geolocated. It is also stored, thus being able to be used as proof of realization. At the same time, geolocation and time stamping apply to signatures received via the application. In the event of a claim or dispute, this can thus constitute credible proof.

Possible Integration With Internal Software

Finally, the novaTime construction site monitoring software is compatible with your internal tools. For example, you can perfectly associate it with your ERP, invoicing software, or daily tools. This saves time thanks to the possible automation of tasks such as sending invoices. Do the novaTime buildings functionalities meet your company’s needs? If so, you can contact us for a demonstration of the tool.

A Cloud Solution Adapted To Working On The Move

In the construction sector, field teams work on the move. And often, this is also the case for team leaders. They have to move around a lot. Thus, we imagined a cloud solution capable of adapting to this way of working. To clarify, this construction site monitoring software is a French SaaS solution. If you want more information on the subject, we can give you a free demonstration of the tool. Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about our EDM cloud solution!

Many Satisfied Customers

Many companies have adopted novaTime daily. And regularly, we receive positive testimonials about our construction site monitoring software. This reflects the credibility of NOWADAYS in the sector.

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