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With These Seven Tips, You Can 0ptimize Your YouTube Infobox

Your YouTube infobox can be real gold mine for traffic, SEO & revenue – if you did right. We’ll show how you can optimize YouTube infobox, and get the most out of it. It’s amazing how many opportunities YouTube Infobox offers – and how neglected it is by so many creatives and companies. Infobox is probably the most neglected marketing tool on YouTube.

Interested parties can find your videos faster with a good info box description. You can also improve your search engine rankings, generate traffic to other websites and social media profiles, and incorporate affiliate and advertising links. In the following, we have put together seven tips with which you can optimize your YouTube infobox.

Optimize YouTube Infobox: Find A Healthy Mediocrity

YouTubers often make one of these two mistakes with the infobox: They completely ignore it or spam it full of links and keywords. The key to success is, therefore, to find a healthy mediocrity.

Don’t Be Stubborn With Keywords

But you don’t want to stick to keywords or ignore SEO and marketing completely. Therefore, think about which keywords are fundamentally important and process them in the text in natural language.

If you are unsure, use free keyword tools such as Ubersuggest or Hypersuggest, which can help you choose good keywords.

Like To Set Links – That Make Sense

Like to set links, but don’t overdo it. Set them if one or two specific affiliate links make sense from the video. Don’t then link all of your other marketing links.

You don’t have to be as frugal with links to blogs, company pages, and social media profiles. Many viewers are interested in following you on other channels. But here too, decide on the most important channels and link them.

Here you can weigh up whether it makes sense always to link the same channels or whether you want to add variety. For example, if you have a food blog that has nothing to do with your YouTube content, you can set this link sporadically if it fits your video.

Harmony Between YouTube Infobox And Video

Good YouTubers know this and also address the infobox in their clips. Example: In a video about gardening tips, you mention different products. Instead of describing all of these in extreme detail in the video, a brief note to your viewers can be useful here, something like: “I will link all of the products to you in the info box.”

This has several advantages. You can concentrate on the content in the video, and the viewers are not distracted because they write down product names. At the same time, you encourage them to open the infobox and read your other content there.

Therefore, there are no one-size-fits-all rules for what needs to be in a good YouTube infobox. Suppose your video allows it or is helpful for your fans: Post lots of links. If, on the other hand, there are less relevant links or information for the video in question, be accordingly sparing in the infobox description.

Make The YouTube Infobox Entertaining

It is true that infobox only allows text and links. But that doesn’t mean your description has to be boring. So try to make the infobox as entertaining as possible. It’s more exciting for your fans too.

First, think about exactly what your video is about and how you can summarize the content in a short and crisp info text. Because often, viewers even read the description first to decide whether to watch the video. The more interesting the infobox, the more your content will benefit.

Also, avoid dense blocks of text that make it difficult to read. Instead, bring structure to the infobox using paragraphs and blank lines. Ultimately, this makes it easier to read and process the content – especially on mobile devices.

Additional Tip: YouTube recommends dividing the content into chapters for very long videos. You can then pick it up again in your infobox. This makes it easier to jump directly to the appropriate places in the video.

Concentrate On The First Few Lines

When someone watches your videos, only the first two to three lines of your infobox are visible below the video. To read the full description, someone must click on “More actively.” Accordingly, your first few words should be carefully considered, and I encourage you to open the entire description. Otherwise, you’ve put a lot of effort into a good description that no one reads.

YouTube also recommends placing your most important keyword at the beginning of the visible field to better rank the SEO ranking on Google and YouTube.

Use Hashtags

Many don’t know: You can also set hashtags in the infobox on YouTube. If someone searches for these hashtags, your videos can be displayed that way too. The hashtags in your YouTube infobox are also clickable. That means: users can click on it and find other related content and videos. It’s a very good service, and your fans will appreciate it.

At the same time, you can incorporate trend hashtags into your video description so that they can be found more quickly. Note that YouTube has an upper limit of 15 hashtags in the description.

Think Of Ads When You Think Of The YouTube Infobox

When monetizing your YouTube channel, you should watch ads in your infobox because advertisers are actively looking for specific keywords to place their ads on suitable videos.

YouTube itself gives several tips here to optimize your metadata in the infobox for ads:

  • Pay attention to suitable headings, tags, and descriptions.
  • The metadata, in particular, should describe your video aptly.
  • Think carefully about which words you use. Because in the wrong context or even without context, a certain word alone can be a deterrent for advertisers.

Use The Template

Creating a good YouTube infobox is not always that easy and can take time. Therefore, use the Infobox template (Upload Defaults) so that you don’t have to create a completely new box for each video.

A YouTube template takes all the presets from a video and shows them automatically for the next video. The template divides the individual aspects of the infobox into individual categories that you can adapt individually. That makes it extremely easy to adapt the infobox for new videos. You can find the upload defaults in your Creator Studio.

Conclusion: The Effort Is Worth It

Of course, it takes more effort to optimize your YouTube infobox in addition to your video content. But the effort is worth it. On the one hand, you offer your fans good service with an informative infobox. In addition, your channel can also benefit if your videos rank better in the infobox, thanks to good SEO work.

And last but not least, your YouTube infobox also offers you a good platform to place other websites and social media profiles as well as to set affiliate links with which you can increase your income.

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