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HomeBUSINESSWhich Workflow Software To Choose To Automate Your Processes?

Which Workflow Software To Choose To Automate Your Processes?

Dealing with a work process (the interpretation of the work process) comprises planning a bunch of activities, including at least one member (inward or outer to the organization) or even automatisms (estimation, refreshing of data, computerized tasks … ), contingent upon the intricacy of the stream.

This work process is often the graphical portrayal or demonstration of a business interaction with work process programming. The succession of undertakings and cooperations between interior or outside entertainers and the IS can be fixed; we discuss the procedural work process. At the point when it is dynamic, or at least when it adjusts to occasions or suitable choices, this is called an impromptu work process. The work process can computerize a cycle and adapt programming to business needs in the two cases.

According to Gartner, there are two types of workflow management:

  1. Integration of internal and external processes: a workflow approach to defining cross-functional business processes that span multiple applications, including those from different vendors.
  2. Automated events or processes: a workflow approach that allows you to perform automated tasks, such as those related to the stages of a marketing campaign through a marketing automation tool, for example.

Workflow Software, What For?

Workflow design with BPM software is the first step in automating specific processes within the company: low value-added and repetitive tasks, but also a series of so-called “intelligent” functions that can now be handled using AI and Machine Learning, with the concept of RPA. Automation by workflow makes tasks, data, and exchanges of a process succeed in an order well defined by rules.

This orchestration makes it possible to improve the validation circuit and the respect of deadlines by sharing with each participant the information necessary for the proper execution of their tasks. Thanks to the traceability of exchanges, managers can also measure performance and identify difficulties.

Too often, workflows are managed “by hand” in code, which makes maintenance difficult. A workflow engine combined with a rules engine thus makes it possible to execute, by a BPEL executable, for example, the definition of processes and to interface them with applications or other workflow management systems. It is then possible to regularly optimize these processes and implement them quickly and correctly.

Workflow & BPMN 2.0: On The Way To Automation

The BPMN standard (Business Process Model and Notation) is commonly used to model processes to allow a common language between the different trades and the DSI. It includes, for example, structured symbols, strategy, collaboration, conversation, and choreography diagrams, constituting the “score” of a process.

Since 2011, version 2 of the ISO/IEC 19510 standard has evolved this language into an XML-based exchange scheme allowing the conversion of executable models into BPEL language, intended to automate and implement application processes. Most BPM software has adopted this standard to model and execute business processes.

What Is The Difference Between A Workflow Engine And A Rules Engine?

The workflow and rules engines are essential tools for automating complex processes and often need clarification. To simplify, a workflow engine is a router that allows the different instances of the workflow to be executed sequentially or conditionally (branching path) according to a set of rules. The tool can manage the latter’s definition when the rules are simple and few: Boolean operators, process data fields, entered values, etc.

In the case of more complex routings, the workflow engine can connect to a rules engine that can manage many sophisticated rules, changing or entering in natural language. The workflow engine can be considered the conveyor, and the rules engine the dispatcher.

How To Choose Your Workflow Software?

Suppose the tools on the market are often equal in terms of ergonomics. In that case, good workflow software must include the following functionalities to automate your processes efficiently and at a lower cost:

  1. A workflow design studio including creation tools or hybrid process models (human-machine interaction) using the BPMN 2.0 standard
  2. WYSIWYG to build user input screens, GUIs, forms, CSS portals with the mouse, etc.
  3. Simulation and debugging tools for testing, debugging, etc.
  4. BPM “accelerator” modules (CEP, BAM, MDM, Mashup, BRMS, etc.)
  5. Flow orchestration and automation functions with RPA
  6. Dynamic routing functions as well as  processing supervision: alert management (mail, sms), delegation management (roles and responsibilities), traceability
  7. A collaborative monitoring portal for each stakeholder: visibility on the tasks that he must carry out or that he has initiated, as well as on the KPIs
  8. Management of the organization repository: process sheets, procedures, organization notes, operating methods, notices, etc.

However, beyond these classic features, we advise you to expand your vision of business process management to standard workflow software. Indeed, implementing and controlling the processes within the company implies that the methods can easily exchange information with the applications of the information system to update them, exploit them and make them available to users in the framework of their tasks. A process without solid adhesion to the Information System is only a sequence of screens with little value!

Workflow Software Adhering To The Information System: An Important Criterion

The investigation of a specialized or mixture process prompts the examination of numerous organizational functionalities, techniques, applications, and administrations. This is the reason, from demonstrating the cycles to their handling, guaranteeing that the work process arrangement “sticks” to the is fundamental.” 

It will be essential to ensure that your product gives interoperability and normalization of information and has specialized connectors (Web Services, data sets, text and XML records, LDAP, email, and so forth) and business (ERP, CRM, SCM, and so on type applications). ) to diminish improvement and to join times.

The practical engineering should be worked around an ESB (Undertaking Administration Transport). The application transport will ensure the directing of the trades and the diligence of the messages traded.

Our Belief At Blueway: Combining Workflow And Data Visions

Our target at Blueway is to rejoin the various elements of data trade, especially the interaction/work process and information aspects. We consequently reposition individuals on their additional worth and put information at the help of their business processes.

Our Blueway stage subsequently unites the elements of BPM (Business Interaction with The executives) for the administration of cycles and work processes, ESB (Undertaking Administrations Transport) for the control of streams inside the IS and information/work process interoperability, and MDM (Expert Information The board) for information administration.

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