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HomeBUSINESSTasks, Skills, Everyday Life: What Does A Domain Dealer Do?

Tasks, Skills, Everyday Life: What Does A Domain Dealer Do?

Domain Dealer: Digitization is fundamentally changing the way we work. That is why new job profiles are emerging. But what is hidden behind the names? We want that in “And what are you doing? “Make it tangible. A business tycoon said all these in an interview.

The Start Of The Day As A Domain Dealer

Digitization has increased the demand for Internet addresses. I buy Internet addresses and then sell them to companies or private individuals as a domain dealer. As in every industry, it is about buying cheap and selling expensive. After I have a domain, I look for suitable buyers, offer them the environment and then, of course, also sell them.

What Does A Normal Day Of Job Look Like?

The advantage of this job is, of course, that you can work whenever you want and from where you want. The position is purely performance-oriented. If you already have domains in your portfolio, you look to see if there are new customers and contact them. Otherwise, of course, I look to see any interesting domains that I can acquire and register.

The Tasks As A Domain Dealer

Which Tasks Are In Your Area?

As a domain dealer, you have to make sure that you find good domains. Then you have to find the right customers to resell your domains too. The tasks of a domain dealer hardly differ from those that other dealers have. As a domain dealer, I also have to advise my customers because, in the end, domains are also investments.

Because I am not employed, I can determine my tasks. The advantage of being self-employed is that I can decide whether I should take on more advice, go into sales more or invest more time in buying the domains. So I can work in all areas of a domain dealer.

How Do You Personally Define And Interpret Your Job As A Domain Dealer?

I like to compare my job with that of a real estate agent. As a domain dealer, I am the internet real estate agent – not the real estate agent. In contrast to a broker, I cash in the difference between the sales price and the purchase price of my domains myself and don’t don’t just collect a small commission. The core of this is that you have to buy cheap and sell high.

The tasks and processes in the real estate and domain industries are very similar. We ensure that the company has a top location on the Internet and can win more customers.

Fun And Gratitude In Your Job

What Do You Enjoy Most About Your Job?

An important advantage of my job is that I can organize my time myself. I can also work from anywhere – including vacation spots, for example. So I can make money on vacation while others are just spending money there. The domain trader profession is not a regular job, which makes it so exciting.

What Are You Particularly Grateful For?

I’m a total fan of digitization but not necessarily of technology. I am glad that, as a domain dealer, I have little to do with technical processes. As a domain seller, you need to know how to turn on a PC in this regard. And how do you become a domain dealer now?

In The Digital Sector, There Is Often No Longer Traditional Training 

How Did You Get Into Your Job?

It all started in my early twenties. At that time, the age of the Internet was beginning, and I became aware of a site that offered domains that had become vacant.++I always tried to register the good domains that had become free through various providers for domain registrations, but it was almost always too slow. At some point, I asked the guy who almost always got ahead of me for tips on how I could be more successful.

I then learned a lot from him but soon became even more successful in trading and marketing. Today I am an expert in the field, and I trade domains sold for five to six-figure sums.

What Tip Would You Give A Newcomer Or An Interesting Career Changer Who Also Wants To Become A Domain Dealer?

Many people ask me when is the right time to get into the business. There is a very simple answer: the right time to be successful is always right now.

There is almost no risk as you hardly have to invest anything to get started. There is practically no way to lose more than you invested in this business. Find catchy domains that may be of interest to customers and offer them to them!

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