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How To Work Remotely With Your Teams?

Today, it is increasingly common for workers to carry out part of their assignments from their residence or another location. Technology has evolved, allowing them to stay at home while maintaining a link with the company and employees. Thus, a certain number of tools have emerged thanks to remote work. As a result, many companies are trying to find out how to work remotely with their teams. 

The Origins Of Telework In India

The word “telework” appeared in India in the early 1980s and has continued to develop until now. In the 1990s, thanks to the development of new information and communication technologies, the latter became even more possible thanks to computers and the Internet. This also marked the creation of videoconferencing, which facilitated teleworking. Determined to change the history of telework, a first definition is established. 

Here it is: ”  Telework is a way of organizing or performing work carried out regularly by a natural person under the following cumulative conditions: the work is carried out remotely, i.e., say outside the immediate vicinity of the place where the result of the work is expected, outside of any physical possibility for the principal to monitor the performance of the service by the teleworker. »

As the 2000s approached, India decided to pioneer the subject. She sees this new way of working as an economic and social asset for companies. Over the years, the teleworker has had the same rights as a worker who performs his duties on company premises. Gradually, telework is recognized as a working method governed by the Labor Code. It has become commonplace, and even more so in recent years, because of the Covid-19 crisis.

What Does Telework Represent In India today?

Remote work now concerns nearly 30% of Indian workers. Due to the health crisis and the confinements, teleworking peaked in 2020, affecting more than 40% of employees. A return to routine has been observed; the current level is close to 30%. It may seem like little, but there are many jobs where teleworking is impossible. The figures are all the same encouraging, telework would represent 1 out of 3 employees in France—a total of more than 3 million people.

Organize And Structure Telework Between Employees

To reap all the benefits of telework for the employer and the employee, it is necessary to establish a structure with, in particular, rules for all company or department members. This makes it possible to base the work on sound foundations. Although this applies to working in the office, it is equally essential to work remotely. 

This will facilitate exchanges concerning the tasks to be carried out, the expectations, and the deadlines to be respected. Establishing daily points through meetings is also one of the organization’s rules. Indeed, sessions allow you to maintain a link with employees, and they also allow you to take stock of current and future projects. 

It is also a moment of exchange, allowing everyone to share their feelings and the potential difficulties encountered. The objective is to clarify doubts and uncertainties, so that remote work does not represent a barrier for employees. Meetings also make it possible to take stock via remote tools on project deadlines so that teams do not fall behind and are completely autonomous in their tasks.

At the same time, it is also strongly advised to create moments of conviviality in the presence of employees so as not to lose contact with everyone. It’s a way to organize a day of exchanges, with activities on technology or sport, for example. Team spirit is stimulated, and it is essential to keep it with teleworking. Remote work must not jeopardize human relations and solidarity between employees.

Use Tools Suitable For Remote Work

Today, several software programs allow you to work together remotely. This is the case with collaborative project monitoring tools, enabling everyone to carry out their missions. This software is on the rise because it allows the pooling of information with employees in different places. 

The data is thus accessible at any time and anywhere. Several French solutions are available on the market. This is the case with the novaTime solution, which allows you, thanks to a collaborative workspace, to manage all the activities of a company. The time management of employees is thus optimized, increasing productivity, even remotely. Would you like to discover our innovative solution in more detail? Discover our project monitoring tool!

In Addition To Project Monitoring Software

At the same time, nowadays, the publisher of cloud solutions also offers other collaborative tools that optimize remote work and improve communication between everyone. This is the case with hosting tools. novaCloud is a tool that allows you to host all types of applications so that you can access them anywhere and anytime. Thanks to this platform, your mobility and telework needs will be met. 

Accessibility and autonomy will be the keywords of your new organization! Finally, if you are looking for a tool that promotes cross-functional discussions in your organization, nowadays you have also developed a tool that allows you to share your company’s valuable data and communicate effectively easily.

novaLink brings together all the tools for simple communication. For example, audio and video calls, instant messaging, and screen sharing are all on one platform. Good communication is the key to disseminating clear and lasting information to the organization.

Read Also: Project Management: Definition, Operation, And Usefulness

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