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How Does Hosting Work For Agencies & Freelancers?

With the steadily increasing number of websites, hosting plays an increasingly important role. You can opt for unique hosting for agencies, and freelancers if you manage several web projects simultaneously. We’ll show you precisely what that is and how the hosting works.

Who Needs Hosting For Agencies And Freelancers?

As the words already say: The hosting specialises in agencies, freelancers, and other web professionals who not only concentrate on one web project but also manage, edit and supervise several projects.

Why Do Agencies & Freelancers Need Hosting Tailored To Their Needs?

Agencies and freelancers must always keep an eye on the wishes of their customers. Because the demands are usually very high: You want a website that is functional and intuitive, has high performance, and is online as quickly as possible.

The wishes range from small to large projects, and all content management systems must be possible. Standard websites are rarely desired. Customers are usually looking for individual solutions to their specific problems.

If agencies and freelancers have to do precisely that for their customers, standard hosting is usually no longer sufficient. Because if you want to solve complex tasks, create websites that always run efficiently and need complete flexibility, you can use hosting for agencies and freelancers.

What Challenges Do Web Professionals Face?

The biggest challenge for web professionals is managing many different web projects simultaneously. In addition to the fundamental problem that web professionals quickly lose track of. Additional employees are involved in the individual projects. 

All passwords must theoretically be changed to maintain security to avoid risk data gaps in all projects. As a result, web professionals are under enormous time and cost pressure. If you host many projects on different platforms, you have to constantly switch between providers and lose valuable time as a result.

What Is Particularly Important When Hosting For Agencies?

In addition to the general advantage of saving costs with hosting for agencies, many other factors make hosting so valuable. In the following, we will show you what is particularly important when hosting for agencies:

  • Intuitive and straightforward operation of many different projects
  • Reliability and good support from the hoster
  • Support for various programming languages ​​​​and content management systems
  • Flexible contracts
  • GDPR Compliant

Many Different Projects – This Is How You Keep Track Of Things

If agencies, freelancers, or other web professionals are looking for hosting to keep track of many different projects, hosting for agencies with providers such as Mittwald makes sense.

The Significant Advantage Of Mittwald: You have a login, and you can find your projects arranged here. Thanks to the tree structure, you can quickly jump back and forth between tasks and check what you’ve done and where.

The protection of the data and the project is also ensured. An editor is assigned to each project. If they no longer work on the project, you can revoke their permission.

Efficiency Against Time And Cost Pressure

How can agencies, freelancers, and web professionals save time and money? This is only possible if they work more efficiently. Mittwald offers users the opportunity to switch back and forth between projects and copy elements easily.

If there are pressure situations and you need personal contact and help, Mittwald’s customer support is available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Performance & Security – You Can’t Do Without It

With many hosters, projects have different performance levels, depending on the size of the booked server. This can lead to problems and conflicts with the agency’s customers. At Mittwald, it is precisely the other way around: all projects run with the same high performance.

The issue of security also plays an essential role at Mittwald: All projects are always up to date thanks to the 1-click installer and auto-updates. All servers are located in Germany, and the data is stored following the guidelines of the GDPR. Daily backups also secure your web project.

Mittwald – The Hosting Partner For Agencies And Freelancers

If you are looking for a holster for agencies and freelancers that you can rely on for security and efficiency, Mittwald is the right partner. In addition, Mittwald works 100 percent climate-neutral, and the servers of your projects run with sustainable energy.

Convince yourself now and learn more about the services and offers from Mittwald to manage your projects securely and efficiently at the same time.

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