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HomeBUSINESSMove Up A Gear With The Right Project Management Tools

Move Up A Gear With The Right Project Management Tools

Which project the executive’s devices are for your organization? Today, the movement of associations spins increasingly more around projects. Projects, additionally, are turning out to be more perplexing and include more partners. Result? Project directors and their groups should manage numerous boundaries while guaranteeing the outcome of the venture and the admiration of cutoff times.

Arranging, asset assignment, task observing … just utilizing the project the executive’s instruments guarantee the progress of your activities. In any case, which would they say they are? Find in this article the subtleties of the fundamentals of venture the board, represented with explicit models.

What Is A Project Management Tool?

A venture, a board instrument, is a gadget and, where suitable, programming planned to work with the execution of activities to accomplish a task’s goals and further develop execution. For this reason, this sort of hardware ends up being both

  1. strategic,
  2. and operational.

However, project management encompasses a significant number of activities and processes:

  1. plan the project,
  2. allocate resources,
  3. manage the budget,
  4. monitor project progress and KPIs, etc.

Thus, many are the instruments supporting the guiding. We currently present the principal ones. Tooling needs contrast, starting with one association and then onto the next, contingent upon the size of its tasks, the number of workers included or the idea of its exercises.

What Are The Project Management Tools?


Thanks to a synthetic visualization of your project, a dashboard provides access to all the essential data at a glance. Therefore, this tool:

  1. Supports operational activities: thanks to the information visible on the dashboard, manage and control the project more finely and maneuver proactively;
  2. Supports strategic decision-making: a dashboard is an excellent reporting tool for monitoring your KPIs:
  3. project progress,
  4. completion deadlines,
  5. Budget, etc. You can thus compare the real with the forecast and redirect your actions if necessary.

Bubble Plan is a finished and straightforward undertaking of the board arrangement, including a dashboard to screen an arrangement of tasks. This usefulness permits the venture administrator or PMO to zero in on their proactive factors and the projected climate: they rapidly see whether the targets have been accomplished. is a basic, complete and super instinctive work-the-board stage that works with your undertaking the executives because of tomfoolery and 100 per cent adjustable dashboards. Because of the 15 gadgets accessible, you can make your dashboard as indicated by your necessities: spending plan, responsibility, project progress… go with choices on measured information refreshed progressively.

Planning Tools

Depending on the organization, planning is integrated into the steering process. On the other hand, it is undoubtedly one of the first steps in project management in general. But what exactly do we mean by planning? Establishing a project schedule consists, among other things, of the following:

  1. Identify the tasks necessary for the development of the project,
  2. Prioritize and articulate these tasks between them thanks, in particular, to the PERT diagram,
  3. Define their duration and expiry,
  4. Set up a calendar or a visual aid representing this planning. A Gantt chart is generally used because it provides a good representation:
  5. of the different tasks to be carried out over time,
  6. of the entire course of the project,
  7. Important milestones.

GanttPRO is a project management and planning solution based on the Gantt chart principle. It offers, among other things, the possibility of planning and controlling several projects simultaneously. All while promoting collaborative work and internal communication :

  1. creation of workspaces,
  2. forwarding attachments,
  3. adding comments, etc.

Resource Management Tools

Once the planning has been carried out, it is necessary to know what material and human resources will be deployed to carry out the various tasks. Resource management is the activity of matching resource capabilities with business needs. This can be carried out using capacity planning, a tool offering a strategic vision of the distribution of resources, to reconcile:

  1. employee well-being: everyone’s skills are put to good use, and excessive workloads are avoided;
  2. and timely achievement of goals.

Mavenlink is a project management software that is mainly resource management oriented. With this tool, you know at a glance which employee is best able to perform this or that mission to:

  1. to his skills,
  2. to his availability.

Task management tools With task management, you focus more on the operational. A task management tool, or task manager, allows:

  1. To follow the progress of the different tasks:
  2. those that have been made,
  3. those that are in progress,
  4. what remains to be done.
  5. To assign the right tasks to the right people.

One of the most used project monitoring tools remains the Kanban method. It consists of representing the tasks in the form of labels, which are changed in columns (“to do,” “in progress,” “to test,” etc.) according to their progress.

Thanks to the Taskworld timeline, a tool with Kanban boards and interactive tasks, you benefit from better visualization of your projects. You thus obtain an overview of their progress and strengthen collaboration between your teams.

Time Management Tools

To pilot a project, it is necessary to have good management of the working hours and to know how many hours are necessary for the execution of specific works. In this way, you: anticipate any delays in readjusting, for example, your deadlines or your resource needs; Get a clearer idea of ​​the time required for each activity, so you’ll have better control over your plans.

Grizzly is a project profitability management tool. Thanks to a chatbot integrated into Slack, entering the hours worked is more accessible and regular while relying on a non-intrusive declarative system. Consequence: companies and agencies control their customer budgets thanks to more reliable and precise indicators (Average Daily Rate, cost per person, gross and net margin).

Communication And Collaborative Tools

Project management requires communicating and collaborating optimally with all stakeholders to streamline processes and improve productivity. This implies that organizations be able to:

  1. to exchange in real time,
  2. to share data and files,
  3. to work on the same documents,
  4. to create collaborative workspaces, etc.

Thanks to NetExplorer, a file-sharing and storage solution, you collaborate with your internal teams and external service providers. In particular, it is possible, with this tool, to create shared spaces, manage access rights and trace the actions performed on the various documents.

Project Management Tools

What if we avoided the multiplication of tools thanks to a solution centralizing all the essential functionalities for project management? There is indeed project management software and real “co-pilots” of the project manager and the teams to obtain an overview of the activities.

 Do you know Jira, the project management software for developers and agile teams? It allows us to prioritize and prioritize tasks from Scrum and Kanban methodologies. But the tool is also suitable for building roadmaps and generating reports. The teams then have the data they need to adopt the best action plan.

Project Portfolio Management Tools

  1. Suppose your company is large enough to have a large number of projects. In that case, management involves taking even more of a step forward about operations (arbitrating which projects have priority, for example). In this case, it is better to opt for project portfolio management or PPM software.
  2. Clarizen is particularly suitable for large accounts and multinational companies. It offers a complete integration of all needs, from collaborative work to managing complex projects, by connecting exchanges and documentation with the tasks concerned. Its reporting functionalities are pleasant to use, and the tool’s configuration can be done independently.
  3.  SuitePro-G covers the full spectrum of project portfolio management with a dashboard, time and resource tracking, and scheduling. It makes it possible to align innovations, strategies and operations and to federate all the teams. Its main asset is the pragmatic and intuitive aspect which offers all contributors (PMO, project manager, CIO, etc.) an authentic culture of project mode.
  4. Triskell is a project portfolio management software for ETIs and large accounts. Its main advantage? Go further than a simple PPM by positioning itself as a fundamental strategic governance tool. It thus addresses the entire value chain from business management to operations, emphasizing capacity and resource management. At the same time, the software remains simple to use and learn, and its agility meets all your specific needs.
  5. Z0 Gravity centralizes your data in the same environment. A highly customizable and all-in-one solution, it manages all aspects of your projects, from your budget and task planning to document management and time recording. In addition, its handling is quick, thanks to well-thought-out ergonomics and fluid navigation.

A Free Project Management Tool?

Finally, note that there are “free” project management tools. Gladys, for example, is a complete solution (task management, resource allocation, task costing, collaborative functions, etc.). But above all, it is free for the following scope: 2 workspaces, five guests per space, and 2 GB of storage. Indeed, if you are looking for free project management software, be aware that you will always encounter constraints:

  1. a limited number of users,
  2. restricted features,
  3. insufficient storage space, etc.

However, these “free” solutions are often an excellent way to test the tool to see if it meets your needs before directing you to a paid version.

Read Also: Portfolio Management: Principle And Types

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