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Google Core Update March 2023: A Major Algorithm Update

Google recently announced to the world the implementation of the latest Core Update. The news was spread thanks to a message on the famous social network Twitter. But the Core Update, what is it? This is a general search engine update. This revival leads Google users to ask many questions. Want to know more about this update? Would you like to know if your web content will be impacted, and if so, to what extent?

Google Search Engine Updates

Since its existence, the search engine par excellence, google, has not stopped developing its search engine and making changes. These are recurrent and concern various elements. The last update recorded for Google took place on February 21, 2023. This last one concerned product reviews, hence its name: update on product reviews. We are particularly interested in the most recent update, which occurred on March 15, 2023. 

Here is the official list of ranking updates in Google search. Unlike that of February 21, it is much talked about. This can be explained very simply: the update we are discussing today is general and impacts the search engine in a much more significant way than the one mentioned above. The last general Google update occurred in 2022, from September 12 to 26. For more than 6 months, the search engine had not experienced any major changes.

Who Is Affected By The March 2023 Core Update?

As mentioned earlier, the most recent update of the Google search engine will significantly impact the latter. Indeed, all pages of all countries and all languages ​​will be improved. The first page concerned is the English presentation page. The others will follow during the two-week deployment. Thus, by the end of May, everyone should be able to observe a change in the presentation page of the famous search engine. In addition to the presentation, the organization could potentially be turned upside down, namely the positioning of the sites (SEO). It is important to note that, at this time, nothing can be said with certainty.

What Impact On The SEO Of Your Website?

The March 2023 Core Update raises several questions. Google does not communicate the upcoming changes. It will then be necessary to discover the changing elements as the two weeks of implementation progress. However, years of tracking search engine changes suggest that general updates are the ones that have the most influence on traffic. The positioning of the sites will likely be modified this time too. 

The update would therefore impact the search results of users and the visibility of the web pages created. The changes are already visible for some web pages and users who have noted changes. Some are positive; some are negative. It is still too early to judge the good or bad influence of the Core Update on your web content.

To conclude, waiting until we have a greater perspective on the events is essential. However, it is normal and even advisable to monitor the SEO of its web pages carefully. To monitor your SEO, there are perfectly adapted and precise tools. Here is a list: Yooda One, Lighting SEO, SE Ranking, or SEMrush. These tools will be particularly useful for following all of your statistics and informing you of traffic evolution concerning your content in Google searches.

How To React To A Google Penalty?

In the case of positive evolution, this question does not arise. But in the event of a negative change, you are entitled to ask yourself how to react and turn the situation to your advantage. First, be careful not to react too quickly. Indeed, a position revised downwards can generate a strong reaction from the user and the web creator. 

However, it is not uncommon for rearrangement and subsequent changes to take place after such an update. These are the secondary updates that aim to reduce the possible errors of the first. So don’t panic. The position may be reviewed soon if your web page has dropped in the search results.

The likely arrival of secondary updates should reassure you and certify one thing: there is no need to review your content entirely and make major changes. On the other hand, some small changes can be appreciated. These may allow you to go up in SEO referencing. To ensure you are doing your best, it is advisable to call on SEO professionals who can benefit you from their skills in the field and help you improve your positioning as much as possible.

The Action-Reaction Principle To Get Out Of Manual Or Algorithmic Penalty

We recommend that you analyze and correct all the problems reported in the Google Search Console tool, perform a complete site crawl with Oncrawl, Botify, or Screaming Frog, and control your net linking (link building) with the online software Majestic SEO. While the recent update has brought many changes to search results, the giant Google still has the same objective: to offer its users reliable pages with quality content. 

Thus, respecting certain criteria makes it possible to move up quickly in the search engine and improve its statistics. For this, it is necessary to check several important points : Make sure you offer quality content. Are you sure your information is correct and useful for users? Is the title well associated with your web page? If so, add a little touch of originality that will make the difference. Submit yourself to a simple and effective test: in place of users, would you put your site on the favorite pages?

The content, a source of nourishment for search engines, must be original, unique, useful, informative, and quantitative. To obtain convincing results, adding content of at least 350 words on all pages is vital. Google is fighting duplicate or low-quality content. Working with a single (or associated) request per page is recommended. However, it is useless to exaggerate the repetition of a word; it is neither pleasant for the Net surfer nor useful for the search engines. 

A rich and varied vocabulary multiplies the chances of being positioned on several words of the same theme and reinforces the relevance of a page. It is essential to ensure that the content present is reliable and contains no errors. The presence of spelling errors or inaccuracies concerning the subject does not inspire confidence in users. Check your sources and give your readers confidence!

Too often neglected, the presentation is nevertheless one of the key points of a web page. To ensure good SEO, you need to present content that is well-organized, easy to read, and flowing. A UX/UI audit is recommended to maximize bounce rate, load time, and conversion. You can also use a heatmap analysis tool to track user navigation and clicks on your web pages. Do not hesitate to test the free but Premium tool from Microsoft (Clarity), which is GDPR and CCPA-compliant.

 You can also compare the services and prices of Lucky Orange, HubSpot, Contentsquare, Mouseflow, or Crazy Egg. Finally, compare your web page to others on the same subject. Is your presentation easier to approach than the others? Is your information also relevant? This step is essential to improve its referencing on the Google search engine as much as possible. Each page must have a correct semantic structure. The Hn title tags, six of which are intended for the hierarchy of content. 

Each page on the site should have a single, unique H1 title that summarizes the page’s main content. H2 and H3 headings can then segment page content between paragraphs. These titles are mainly used to separate the ideas developed in the content and are an effective way to work on the expressions associated with the keywords targeted on the pages in natural referencing.


The Google update is making a lot of noise. It already has an impact on the SEO of web pages. If your content has been repositioned negatively, do not panic! A few small changes can help you resurface in the top search results. Bring freshness to your content and presentation to quickly stand out.

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