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HomeBUSINESSProject Management Software: What It Is For, And The Best Ones

Project Management Software: What It Is For, And The Best Ones

As the name recommends, project the board programming is a program that permits you to deal with an undertaking according to each perspective.

What Is Project Management Software, And What Is It For?

The intricacy of the universe of work has expanded as of late, and professional activities, any field they have a place with, don’t get away from this rationale of intricacy. Then, help is expected to deal with a mass of information that would risk being lost and not taken advantage of as it may be. Like this, project board programming permits you to design and consequently coordinate a task, particularly concerning the various missions and the assets that should be dispensed to everyone.

Project the board programming then, at that point, offers the chance to arrange an undertaking’s timing and separate the financial plan as indicated by the different exercises to be completed. To wrap things up, project the executive’s programming permits you to screen the outcomes accomplished, both during development and toward the finish of the task, to monitor all that and perhaps roll out the essential improvements during the functional period of the ongoing undertaking.

Up to this point, the principal undertaking the board programming accessible available were those claimed by working frameworks, like Microsoft Task, or open-source ones that were very challenging to utilize. Today, you can track down various paid and free items, permitting you to have a wide decision of programming to recognize the one nearest to your requirements.

What Does Project Management Software Do

The executive’s programming is intended to help in each undertaking’s introduction to the world, advancement, or finish stage. They are programs intended to help the chiefs of explicit regions, no matter what the item area in which they work, to finish a particular task, continuously having every one of its parts taken care of.

No matter the extent of utilizations, an undertaking contains a few stages that are generally similar and don’t change when the control object changes. The beginning stage incorporates setting up a task and sending it off. Then, at that point, there is the plan and arranging ease where the necessities for the work to be conveyed are distinguished.

The following stage is execution, all the more absolutely functional, in which the outcomes are created. The task checking and control stage covers the leader stage, during which it is confirmed that the outcomes are aligned with those standards, and if fundamental, little changes are made. At long last, there is the undertaking fulfillment stage, in which the outcomes are delivered. 

Here, with the project the executives programming, you can play out this large number of stages all the more clearly, embedding every one of the information concerning the task in a solitary administration framework and continuously having available to you timescales, results measurements, and whatever other component that you might have to prevail to finish the venture that has been doled out to you with the most un-conceivable exertion and with a brilliant outcome.

Characteristics Of A Project Management Software

The board programming should be a work device that helps those utilizing it better direction and plan undertakings. Hence, it is evident that it is essential to find an item that follows explicit requirements. If each venture, no matter what the item area for which it was planned, has a similar work stage, the equivalent can’t be said for a little task contrasted with a lot bigger one. , which accommodates the support of a few working gatherings who need to speak with one another to keep away from disarray, covering, or, much more terrible, the quiet of fundamental data for the task’s prosperity.

How To Choose It

To choose the right product, it is essential to lose a few minutes to ask yourself the right questions. First of all, it is necessary to understand what project management software is for because only starting from the use to be made of it is it possible to identify the suitable characteristics. It is also essential to go beyond the big names on the market because the smaller production houses often create the right product based on fundamental characteristics.

It is also necessary to verify that it is possible to apply future implementations to the project management software to avoid being forced to purchase a different one after a few years. Finally, it is always advisable to request a test drive to experience the quality of the product you are about to buy and verify that it has a simple and, above all, intuitive interface that responds to your needs, in short, that it is precisely the product you are looking for.

Best Project Management Software

As already mentioned, many different project management software is on the market. All the programs available have basic functionalities that are the same for everyone because they represent the minimum characteristics a project management software must have. Each has specific characteristics that make it better project management software for one industry than another.

 All programs must allow you to carry out control over the direction of the project, allow you to assign tasks and activities to the different team members as well as make changes if someone is too busy compared to the others, allow you to create reports and presentations by automatically retrieving work entered by the project manager, always to be able to give an account of the progress of the same to those responsible.

A good project management software must then allow its use to all the users involved in the team, obviously calibrating the permissions and accesses to the different sections of the software based on the level of responsibility of the member and the type of information that can be useful for him. the performance of its task.

Only the project manager can access all areas because he must never lose the project’s overall vision. Finally, the best project management software can be modulated and implemented according to the different needs of the customer and the specificity of the tasks entrusted to the program. Here, then, is a list of the best products currently on the market to help you more easily choose the one that best suits your needs.

Asana As Project Management Software

Asana is one of the “oldest” project management software on the market and was relaunched on the market with the current interface in 2011 by the will of the Facebook programmer Justin Rosenstein and the social co-founder Dustin Moskovitz. 

This software comes in three different formats: there is the basic one which is free but has few features available; the premium version, which is more complete and costs around 9 euros per month; the enterprise version, which has a high level of customization on the needs of the customer who uses it and for this reason the price is provided only on request since it must be calibrated based on the customizations made.

Among this software’s most specific features is allowing the management of each project phase. In particular, several micro teams can be created. The team makes many communication tools available to facilitate shared work, such as a single deadline calendar, the internal chat for real-time communication, the message archive, and the data export function and report creation.

With the basic version, up to 15 participants can be inserted into the project, and then you have to switch to the premium version, which allows an unlimited number. Asana can be used on desktops and tablets, but in recent years a smartphone app has also been created so that you can use the project management software at other times and when you are not in the office.


This project management software is owned by the American company Fog Creek Software which has put it on the market since 2011. Also, in this case, the software has both a release for desktops and tablets and one for iOS and Android smartphones. The program can be downloaded in its basic version, with few features available.

You can install the extensions available in the premium and enterprise versions on this basic version, the former at 9.90 euros each per month and the latter at 20. In this way, the user creates the program that best suits his needs, implementing each time with the most appropriate extensions. The project management software offers a simple interface with attractive graphics and allows you to do everything you think you can do with such a program.

You can then create a certain number of users and assign each team member a profile to directly communicate workloads, manage discrepancies, dictate delivery times, and evaluate the results achieved by individual team members and micro teams dealing with individual aspects of the project. The checklist function is beneficial and can be made visible to all team members or only to individuals.

Microsoft Project 

This project management software owned by Microsoft is often sold integrated with some brand products; in other cases, it can be purchased separately. It is one of the oldest software on the market because, as has already been said, until a few years ago, there was only this product on the market and a few others. The strong point of this project management software is to take advantage of all Microsoft products. Hence, its use is very intuitive since the project manager and team members already use these tools daily.

For the rest, the program has all the features expected from a project management software, such as information sharing, the possibility of a standard archive, a sort of library where each team member can insert documents of importance for the project, and extrapolate graphs and evaluate the results obtained. It is also possible to communicate with all the other team members through a real-time private messaging system and organize online meetings by inviting all interested team members with a message.

Basecamp As Project Management Software

It is a project management software that saw the birth of its first version in 2004 and has since sold over 5 million releases. This success is because it is one of the most accessible programs, even for those unfamiliar with this type of software. The interface is very simplified, and it is possible to understand the use of the various keys even without using the project management software.

In reality, its use was not so simple at the beginning, but since it is one of the first programs on sale, it has had the opportunity to improve over time. The project management software can be used with desktop PCs, smartphones, and tablets as there is a specific app that users can always download to have everything under control, even when away from the office.

Furthermore, the project management software allows its unrestricted use for a month to allow users to test all its functions. Another feature of Basecamp is that you don’t pay per user but for the entire software, which can then be used for a certain number of users. The costs are 99 euros for using the project management software for one month and 999 if you purchase the license for the entire year. Its functionalities are all those foreseen by project management software.


This project management software is a user-tailored program, as the user decides how to use it, which tools to download, and which users to assign them to. The software is free in its basic version, which only five users can use. Subsequently, different functions can be downloaded based on the professional subscription from around 10 euros per month, the business one for 25 euros per month, or the marketing one from 35 euros per month.

The program can be used both on desktops and smartphone apps, in this case, for iOS and Android operating systems. Its internal organization is managed through the creation of folders and agendas. And this allows you to make the most of the work tools and organize it by logical lines, intuitive to all.

The storage space is very well done, which, starting from the professional version, allows you to keep even cumbersome documents without slowing down the functioning of the software in any way. Finally, the internal communication tools are excellent, allowing you to manage the workflow correctly and interface with each user.


SpikesSpike cannot correctly be defined as project management software but rather a tool that, in addition to the usual ones used for work, allows you to improve team functionality and teamwork. Spike works essentially on emails as it allows you to avoid reading superfluous ones by presenting the content of each one as if it were a text message, thus immediately catching the salient data.

It also allows you to have a shared calendar to check all your activities and those of other team members, exchange messages in a private area, call meetings with alerts, and archive all the documentation necessary for teamwork. There is also the possibility of extrapolating data, creating reports and graphs with the results achieved, and sending other documentation to one or all team members. Spike is free for primary users and requires a monthly subscription for professional accounts.

However, this is a meager cost because the software essentially exploits the functionality of the emails by relying on the client already used by team members. Finally, it can be used by customers who prefer the desktop and those who instead want to check messages and other data from their smartphone simply by downloading the appropriate application.


This project management software was developed by an IT company specializing in creating video conferencing and webinars programs. Then, its project management software incorporates similar characteristics and allows its users also to be able to organize video conferences or virtual meetings even if the team members are in different corners of the globe.

The software allows you to download a free program version for 14 days, during which you can access every feature to test its potential. Subsequently, if you like the product, you must necessarily switch to the paid version, which provides for the payment of a monthly fee. The essential functions are those provided for all project management software.

 Still, its uniqueness lies not so much in the possibility of sharing data, workflows, and more as, above all, in the possibility of exploiting the telephone connection to make video calls and meetings in time real and, during the same, also transfer work documentation and other information and files that are indispensable for the management of a project.

The access permissions can be configured according to the different functions of the team members and the levels of permissions that you want to give them, while the project leader can have access to everything.


The project management software costs less than 10 euros per user per month and allows you to use all the tools for project management software. It is an excellent product for all those looking for project management software with simple functions and a very intuitive graphical interface, so much so that no training is provided for new customers. 

Still, only the functionality manual is provided because it is a very easy-to-use product. It can be used both from the desktop and through the specific application supplied in a downloadable version on Android and iOS. There are no demo or free versions, but requesting a test drive from the parent company to try out all its functions is possible.

Project management software is one of the cheapest on the market, so it is not particularly suitable if you want to use it for complex projects. Still, it is more suitable for small workgroups that need a shared calendar of activities and want to quickly exchange information through a shared archive, which is not very large. Integrating the mail client with the project management software is envisaged, but this does not provide the same functions as other more performing software.

Liquid Planners

Also, in this case, it is a straightforward project management software that provides a certain number of functions but is not suitable for managing too complex projects or for jobs that require the participation of a large number of participants. A free version of project management software can be downloaded but only allows you to use some features.

The paid version, which costs 9 euros per month per user, expands the possibilities of the user who can do everything expected with this project management software. It is possible to integrate it with emails, exchange data and information, and share the calendar of activities through which meetings can also be called via alerts and chat in real-time with the communication systems made available by the project management software.

Finally, the project manager can access everyone’s work areas, check the results obtained, extrapolate data, and create work reports. It can be used both from the desktop and through the specific application, which is supplied in a downloadable version on Android and iOS. But some app features are limited, so it is always advisable to use only for consultation in the latter mode.


The latest project management software worth considering is Redmine. The product offers its best performance when considering use for a small to medium workgroup. It can be used both from the desktop and through the specific application supplied in a downloadable version on Android and iOS.

It is also possible to integrate it with emails, exchange data, and information, and share the calendar of activities through which meetings can be called via alerts and chat in real-time with the communication systems made available by the project management software. It has an excellent archiving system that allows you to upload a certain number of documents without slowing down the program too much.

Also, for this software, there are different permissions based on the level of user with which it is accessed so that the project manager will have access to all areas and will establish the level of information available for all the other members. Finally, the parent company provides the possibility of carrying out test drives and using a free version of the software for seven days, after which it is necessary to switch to the professional version, which provides a monthly license rental fee. The software can be integrated with the mail client used by the team.

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