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Overview Of Low-Code And No-Code

Low-code and no-code have recently appeared in the IT sphere. It will be a question of exploring their evolution from their origins until today through quantified examples.

The Premises And Development Of Low-Code And No-Code

 Low-code designates a mode of software development on platforms allowing the creation of applications with a maximum of 20% of programming work. No-code has the specificity of not requiring any coding intervention. The simplification of the development phase promotes better accessibility. The tools of these interfaces extend to different fields of application and mix graphic design modeling devices, widgets for user interfaces, order tracking, and workflow with automation.

In 2003, WordPress revolutionized the market and offered a preview without code, and the natural Low-code phenomenon began in 2011. In 2014, observing this new phenomenon, the analysis firm Forrester introduced the term low-code for the first time. Since then, it has continued its expansion into the digital world by meeting the needs of businesses.

Low-Code And No-Code, A Dynamic And Growing Market

According to the optimistic forecasts of the American consulting firm Gartner, by 2025, approximately 70% of technologies will use Low-code or No-code. Regarding financial data, according to Marketsand Markets, the Low-code market could reach 45.5 billion dollars in 2025, against 27 in 2022, which would represent a growth of around 130% per year.

Nearly half of the respondents in the TechRepublic use Low-code and No-code platforms in their business. Of the remaining 35%, one in five (20%) say they want to adopt the technology over the next 12 months. In terms of time savings, there is a factor of 10 between a project using classic development and a low-code project, requiring 70% fewer resources. Because of these significant results, the studies are promising as to the prospects offered by Low-code and No-code.

No-Code, A Simple And Accessible Solution With Its Limitations

By not requiring experts, No-code saves precious time in the context of the sustainability of the company’s activities. The No-code allows the concentration of the action on purely functional tasks stemming from the company’s core business. It is a less resource-consuming and less costly solution

. It enables the automation of daily tasks, such as standard responses to specific emails or data integration between software, which facilitates exchanges. The No-code remains simple and accessible for the configuration of integrations of business process management tools, a customer portal, applications, and transactions.

No-code represents a more accessible solution for non-developer users. This solution is aimed at people who want to save time on pure coding, for a non-developer audience more precisely, and it is intended for any company and any trade combined. However, for the realization of complex and personalized tasks, the intervention of developers will be more appropriate, and the No-code remaining more limited, it loses its interest.

Low Code And Its Challenges To Be Favored For A More Optimizable Rendering

 Low-Code allows simple modeling of the process, rapid implementation and integration with software packages, and increased responsiveness to implementing strategies. This method benefits from a broader range of possibilities for customizing content according to external or production constraints. The return on investment is easy to see, and the development speed makes it possible to mobilize fewer resources. Thus, a study conducted by TechRepublic highlights that a Low-code project allows a cost reduction of up to 39%.

Low-Code, A Solution Requiring Development Knowledge

 Low code is particularly suitable for users who already have development knowledge and do not want to waste time with more complex handling of coding. Standard code requires knowledge about the programming but allows you to gain autonomy in terms of results. The variability of the offers, the additional costs for integration, and the price retained are elements to be studied to avoid certain pitfalls.

Low-Code VS No-Code: A Different Conception, But Do They Oppose Each Other?

 If Low-code and No-code are structurally different, there is a strong complementarity in accomplishing possible tasks. It is also possible to bet on methods combining the two to access more specific results. 

Tenfold Advantages In Their Use

 Combining the two allows you to gain flexibility and productivity while having a controlled budget, with a better satisfaction rate. According to the investigation carried out by TechRepublic, the top benefit respondents see on Low-code, and No-code platforms is productivity improvement of 15%, followed by a reduction in application development time of 14% and automation of manual processes, with 12% of respondents declaring it. 

Rounding out the ranking of top benefits, automation in business methods is 11%. At 10%, easier-to-use workflows allow users to troubleshoot problems and reduce recurring reliance on sheet Calculation. There are also solutions based on Low-Code with an Open Source design allowing access to a scalable and easily customizable platform: ERP solutions.

Low-Code ERP, An ERP Of The Future

ERP solutions allow all-in-one management of internal company resources. These deploy hybrid solutions that combine low-code and no-code technologies for greater customization and more optimal results. Low-code/No-code will enable ERPs to gain agility in managing company services.

This technology also makes it possible to model business processes with an integrated BPM.  Low-code and No-code platforms are also anchored in a robust community because the media generate connections and more direct interactions, and collaborators can exchange directly. The interfaces between the tools make navigation fluid and direct between each process.

Read Also: Why No-Code/Low-Code Addresses The IT Skills Shortage

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