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HomeCLOUD COMPUTINGEDR From The Cloud? Who Needs That?

EDR From The Cloud? Who Needs That?

EDR: The cat and mouse game between cyber criminals and cyber security manufacturers brought and continues to produce many solutions, and created a billion-dollar market for both sides. Small businesses, in particular, are falling by the wayside in this arms race because they lack the necessary know-how, specialist staff, and budget to be able to keep up with developments. A dilemma that calls for a solution.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) has established itself as the new “standard.” This gives companies more insight into what is happening on their endpoints. But who can deduce from this additional information what the threat situation for a company looks like?

Preventing a security breach is simply no longer enough these days. However, the further, urgently advisable analysis of irregularities will and can only occur in very few cases because the analysis is too complex. 

Specialists from all security manufacturers have been working on balancing security and simplicity for a long time. The current offer for companies without their security experts and large budgets for complex EDR systems is, admittedly, unsatisfactory.

Because if you want to use EDR to the full extent, you have to provide a high-performance infrastructure and create or purchase the human resources for analysis. Here, managed detection and response approaches can bridge the gap and drastically increase corporate security. 

EDR: Extended Insights Into The Activities

Endpoint security solutions with EDR functionalities can compromise all companies that want to do something for their security by gaining more insight into the activities on the end devices.

Although not all data is stored centrally and in the long term, and there are fewer analysis and correlation options available, if the specialist knowledge to use them is not available anyway, simplified views of the causes are much more helpful than long logs and reports.

Information about the processes, user accounts, devices, and paths involved in most cases and companies is sufficient. It can be used to assess whether it is an attack that should be better investigated or a harmless malware. In this way, proactive measures can also be derived to increase company security. 

First Step: Analysis Of The Current Software-As-A-Service Approaches

If companies are thinking about implementing a new endpoint protection platform with EDR functionalities, it is worth looking at current software-as-a-service approaches. SaaS allows companies to remain flexible, especially in uncertain lockdowns, home offices, and changing order situations. At the same time, the necessary maintenance measures of the management service are carried out automatically in the cloud.

The set-up, the operation, and ultimately personnel expenses are reduced, while the security is even increased. This creates sensible opportunities for more security with simultaneous flexibility without overloading staff and budgets.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus integrates EDR functions and offers companies of all sizes a manageable solution for more security and a good introduction to EDR. Automation, user-friendliness, and operation via a cloud interface reduce the administrative effort to 15 minutes per week.

The whole range of IT security challenges runs out of a modern interface and thus ensures reliable security even for remote employees. EDR offers transparency, self-explanatory investigation processes, and uncomplicated defense that uncover threats to their full extent and course and contain them promptly; for added security for SMBs.

Kaspersky Cloud Plus With EDR Insights, Immediately Realizable Potential For More Security:

  • Improved insight into all endpoints
  • The version of the operating system, installed software, patch level, security guidelines, users, network interfaces, associated detections, and incidents are displayed transparently directly in the console
  • Optimal use of the detection functions across all endpoints
  • Detection of fileless threats, unknown malware, and exploits
  • Fast defense against threats
  • Stop processes on endpoints
  • Remotely isolate affected hosts
  • Delete or block suspicious files, completely shut down devices or processes using the kill switch

EDR: Immediately Actionable Answers To Difficult Questions

According to Gartner, EDR provides the “answer to the question: what happened?” In other words, IT administrators can dig deeper into the incident than with traditional endpoint protection platforms.

Thanks to the preview of the EDR function for the year 2021, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus provides the necessary transparency and responsiveness to uncover threats to their full extent and course and to contain them on time.

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