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Backup: What It Is, What It Is For And Why It Is Important

By implementing this procedure periodically, you can generate a copy of important files or databases and recover them in emergencies such as breakdowns, computer attacks, and errors by those who use these files. In this article, we will see in detail what backups are. We will also talk about their importance, usage and recovery tests.

What Is Backup? 

In IT,  backup duplicates a file or data set on a medium external to the computer. In short, it is necessary to have a copy of our photos, conversations on messaging software, contents of our site and much more.  Backup is, therefore, essential to protect your data and recover them when necessary. 

Any business with an IT environment should back up data periodically so important information is never lost.  However, even individuals who use a smartphone or any other device should make a periodic backup to recover files and folders if necessary. 

What Is The Backup For? 

We’ve already mentioned it, but it’s better to delve into why you make a backup. In the event of unforeseen events such as hardware failures,  fires, floods, earthquakes, computer attacks or human errors, the backup is useful for recovering lost data and returning to the condition before the loss.  Every company should have a  data recovery plan to predict and resolve unpleasant events such as those listed above and recover everything needed to get back up and running. 

Manage Backup Operations In The Company 

Today, information is at the heart of the world economy. This is why their safety must be protected. However, small companies especially need to pay more attention to this aspect. They are convinced that their data is safe or not worth spending money to protect.

Nothing could be more wrong:  today, software and hardware for duplicating files and data are accessible to everyone, and we must take advantage of them.  It is necessary to organize the data to be efficient in case of emergency and to start being productive again without losing anything important. 

Types Of Backups 

Backups can be divided into two broad categories: those that create a replica and archiving. 

File Replication

File replication is a very simple way. Some tools on the market automatically take care of the file synchronization between the main location and the replica. Otherwise, it is the user himself who can take care of the copy manually. 

This method requires a  server or removable disks. Tapes were once used, but today this method has fallen into disuse.  It is certainly a very quick method, even if it is impossible to use the old versions of the duplicate file. 


Through this method, files are packaged and placed in an archive. The software that deals with the generation of the archive and the monitoring of the same certainly have advantages, such as the possibility of returning to previous versions of the files.  However, they have a certain cost and must be restored if the main files are lost. 

Backup Restore Test

It could happen, for example, when the storage space is no longer sufficient. By now, all backup software can carry out restore tests. These are automated periodic tests to verify that your backup files and folders are recoverable and usable. 

The software uses screenshots to verify that the recovery was successful.  It is a process that must be performed periodically; very simple to start and convenient as it is completely automated. Additionally, the test results provide insight into the timeline for disaster recovery. 

Modern Backup Methods 

Companies now use two methods to back up:  NAS and cloud storage, which are more reliable and easier to use than removable disks. 


The NAS is a server dedicated solely to storing files and data. Cloud storage is an archive present on the network. Both of these methods are certainly very safe, even if they have flaws: for example, the NAS does not allow you to recover data in case of human errors or software corruption. 

Cloud Storage

The cloud storage service is often the most popular solution among companies, as it meets companies’ usage and economic needs.  In the company, as in everyday life, it is, therefore, good to check that all backup processes are completed and intact.

 Also, it’s always good to test the recovery.  Online backup services are very convenient as they offer speed and often unlimited storage. They allow access to data wherever you are, located in professional data centers safe from attack or damage. 


Backup is a critical process for business operations and security. Always the importance of a backup is perceived when it is too late and when we have lost some fundamental data. In this short article, you have discovered the importance of backup and which tools you could rely on. If you need the advice to choose the best solution for your business, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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