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HomeBUSINESSWhy It Is (Very) Important To Use Visuals On Social Networks

Why It Is (Very) Important To Use Visuals On Social Networks

Social networks play an increasingly important role in business communication; perhaps you already have a Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest or Instagram account. Be that as it may, would you say you are sure you’re utilizing it correctly? Did you know, for example, that the brain processes the visuals it perceives on average 60,000 times faster than texts? Concretely, this means that an image posted on his account is 94% more likely to be seen by users. We, therefore, understand better why image marketing is a promotional technique increasingly used by companies.

Why Illustrate Your Publications? To Encourage Subscriber Engagement

Visuals represent a real lever of engagement for companies present on social networks. Because of their better perception, favoring images over texts in its publications makes it possible to increase interactions and, in the long term, promote the commitment of its fans and subscribers. In a short time, visuals facilitate the success of a campaign, which can quickly go viral. In general, creating a relevant visual universe around its brand, products, and values is essential.

Touch The Target’s Heart

The images connect with the emotional side; therefore, the goal is to make its users react and experience emotions! For example, a photo of a heavenly beach will inspire travel agency subscribers, and a video of a top athlete will inspire admiration among Decathlon fans. A visual will naturally catch the Internet user’s eye. Still, if, in addition, it made him smile or aroused any emotional reaction, his message would be better remembered than if it had been more textual and rational.

Focus On Different Audiences

People will feel more engaged and connected to your brand if they identify with its visuals. Thanks to them, you can easily reach different segments of your target by adapting the tones and colors (which will, in this case, be different if you are addressing a female or male audience), other aspects, or accessories that would correspond, for example, more to one age group than another, allowing you to address your customers more personally.

Strengthen Your Brand Image

It’s also not about posting any image to drive traffic; if you want to look professional and creative, you shouldn’t leave anything to chance. To create quality visuals, you must choose colors, fonts, shapes and photos consistent with the image you want to convey. This set is crucial in how your target customers perceive your business. There are plenty of tools on the internet to easily create impactful visuals (try Canva or Piktochart, you won’t be disappointed!)

Which Visuals To Choose, How And Where To Use Them?

The Different Visuals Most Suitable For Social Networks

Although photos are the most shared content on Facebook, there are many kinds of visuals that you can leverage to benefit your business. The objective of marketers is to publish valuable content which is useful or which provides knowledge to its subscribers – infographics are viral for this -so you have at your disposal a panel of fixed or animated visuals, photos, images, screenshots, illustrations, texts (quotes, advice, lists) visualized, gifs, or even videos. Add a short caption to your visual to create a story around it.

What Are The Most Effective Channels?

With its 1.7 billion users worldwide, Facebook is undoubtedly the essential platform if you want to reach as many people as possible. The Network Timeline is also perfectly adapted to optimize the visibility of your visuals: users scroll down the page and stop naturally on the eye-catching images! Photos receive, on average, four times more reactions than any other content posted on Facebook. A word of advice, I prefer horizontal shots, which take up the width of the page, and improve the final rendering.

Next, Twitter is a platform that can be very effective regarding short-term outreach. Although tweets have a much shorter visibility duration than Facebook posts, they can quickly go viral. Retweeting, liking, and adding to favorites is done in one click: a striking visual can allow you to reach as many people as possible in record time, even people who have never heard of your brand.

Associating an Instagram account with your business gives it a more offbeat and human side than other “traditional” communication networks. In addition, the use of hashtags makes it possible to geolocate your publications (practical for the communication of a live event, for example), and you can integrate your Instagram photos on several social networks at the same time (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr …)

Other sites that operate directly from visuals, such as Pinterest and Tumblr, work great for businesses! Posting beautiful photos of your products immediately arouses the envy of consumers… Pinterest is, for example, very effective for companies based in fashion, travel, gastronomy, and so many others!

Some Ideas To Launch Your Visual Campaign

The main idea of ​​visuals on social networks is to be resourceful to reach your target without spending thousands on advertising. This requires connecting with your customers and giving them what they expect. Think, for example, of the new functions social networks offer, live videos.

Thanks to it, you can share a live event, give a little behind-the-scenes tour of your company, and introduce your team (people love behind-the-scenes photos): Snapchat is also a fun way to share a little of the daily life of the company, addressing a young audience. Also, consider getting your fans to interact by offering photo contests, where people have to vote to choose their favorite product. Another technique that is also very effective is to use a news item to promote your brand.

Many brands have, for example, used the Euro to animate their campaign… and it works! Special mention to Monoprix, reigning champion of effective puns, who humorously commented on each cup match: As you will have understood, the field of possibilities is gigantic, so it’s up to you to let your creativity speak to be seen and seen again! 

Don’t forget that the eyes are naturally drawn to the images and that these serve to illustrate but not only. They create interest and convey a message, an idea, a dimension to your activity. Above all, distribute your visuals on as much media as possible, making us dream! Do you have any other impactful visual ideas? Share them in the comments; we’re interested  And if you need advice on using social networks for your business.

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