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Web Design Using Artificial Intelligence

Development with program code is often necessary to create business websites with functions and interaction options. This is complicated, expensive, and takes a long time. With Power Pages, Microsoft offers a solution that makes it easy to create professional websites.Microsoft Power Pages is a low-code SaaS platform that allows building professional and interactive websites with business services without having to code your own. Objects can be easily added to the websites in the associated designer and forms and complete applications. If desired, artificial intelligence can also help.

Member Of The Power Platform Family

Microsoft Azure is the basis of Power Pages and the complete Microsoft Power Platform. Therefore, Power Pages also supports various security features for websites from Microsoft Azure, such as Front Door, Azure DDoS Protection, and other web application firewalls. The Power Platform includes the Services

  1. Power Pages for developing business websites with minimal or even no code;
  2. Power Apps for application development of business applications without code;
  3. Power Automate for automating workflows;
  4. Power BI for analyzing business data;
  5. Power Virtual Agents for intelligent chatbots, e.g., for Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft’s power platform is intended to support companies in creating more flexible IT solutions adapted to their structure without requiring in-depth programming knowledge. Here, Microsoft enables powerful platform solutions to access the Microsoft metaverse data. This, in turn, is a low-code data platform for storing data from different sources easily but simultaneously securely. 

This data can be used extensively in the various solutions of the Power Platform, for example, on the websites created with Power Pages. In general, the keys of the Power Platform work closely together and can also share functions or exchange data. Others to Microsoft cloud services, such as services and data from Microsoft Azure, can be connected to websites created with Power Pages.

Enterprise-Class Websites

Power Pages aren’t just about traditional web pages; they’re pages where companies make business processes, services, and other interactive elements available to customers, employees, and partners. The solution helps create websites for conventional PCs, tablets, and smartphones. The focus is expressly on websites for small and medium-sized companies. But even large companies can use Power Pages to create websites for different areas.

Microsoft provides templates for developing websites that can be used free of charge. Creating pages should be easy, with as little effort as possible. Then there is the safety factor. Websites created with Power Pages should have fewer security gaps than those based on self-developed code. During creation, the web page wizard adapts to the user’s specialist knowledge and displays appropriate help, information, and setting options.

Professionals Are Also Supported

But not only beginners should be able to work with Power Pages. The service can help create websites easily and more effectively, and in this respect also appeals to professionals. The websites are created online via the Design Studio. With this tool, all relevant functions can be used to create a website. Of course, professionals can easily develop their code. Therefore, Power Pages can optionally be connected to Visual Studio via extensions, as well as to GitHub or Azure DevOps.

 In principle, however, websites should also be able to be created without external consultants since in-depth know-how is optional. Through the designer, website builders access the service’s templates and documentation. However, for security and stability reasons, care should be taken that a professional in this area at least check the solution.

The websites are often based on services companies want to make available to their customers, suppliers, or partners. These services often require data stored in the Microsoft Dataverse within the Metaverse. Access to the data is secure. Authorizations can be controlled via a role-based authorization model. This allows those responsible to easily and effectively control who should access the data at any time.

Express Design: Development With AI

With the Express Design within the Power Pages, the service can develop websites based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. Users can load PDF documents, PowerPoint presentations, or other documents, such as screenshots, into the designer. Power Pages then uses a wizard to create a website based on these documents.

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